Sunday, September 8, 2019

We have Kicked Off!

1 comment:

  1. Looking back through these pictures makes me miss these fun times! I am sad that my freshmen year has had to be cut short, but I know that this will make the years to come so much sweeter. It is crazy to look back at all of these pictures and remember how I didn't know most of the people, then think about the close relationships that I now have! and man, am I happy for them. The people that come into this program are truly the best. I am very excited for next year and getting to meet more friends through honors and attend more fun plays, most of which I would never think to attend on my own.
    Not only have I enjoyed meeting other great students, but the professors have been the BEST. The amount of heart that they put into their classes is to be admired. Both of my classes have been an hour of my day that I look forward to everyday, especially on days where the games were getting heated. haha. It is exciting knowing that the best years are yet to come. I am truly so grateful for the honors program.
    I hope that everyone is staying home, safe, and healthy. Also, let's all cross our fingers for no more pandemics.
