Saturday, June 17, 2023

Minutes of HSA Leadership Team Summer 2023 Planning Meeting

 Submitted by HSA Secretary Hannah Camp

·         Attendance

o   Reia, Logan, Emma, Eli, Emily, Andrew, Felicity, Mickeal, Gwenny, Allyson, Hannah, Alexus, Connor, Saul, Lindsay, Dr. Benton, Dr. Wells

o   Not present: Lauren, Delanie, Megan, Cas, Hunter

·         Leadership Team Communication

o   Snapchat group – HSALT 23-24

·         Meetings

o   Weekly to start the semester

o   Mondays at 3:30pm

·         All-honors communication

o   Weekly all-honors emails on Friday – long lists

o   Remind messages from Dr. Benton (day of events)

Other Remind messages from President/VP (during the week)

Description of Leadership Team Responsibilities (see addenda for details)

o   All:

§  Recruit other upper division Honorables to attend events: bring your plus one--not someone else on leadership team

§  Facilitate interaction between upper-division Honorables and faculty at events

§  Avoid clustering with other upper-division Honorables at events

§  Avoid advertising questionable habits

o   Assigned positions + work in the Honors Office – Reia, Lauren, Logan, Megan

§  President – Reia (10-12 on Fridays; to work in office)

§  Vice President – Lauren (hours TBD; to work in office)

§  Treasurer – Logan (hours TBD; to work in office)

o   Make yearly financial report, process reimbursements, and collect payments.

o   Recruit successor (“Deputy Treasurer) and provide training (Spring ’24)

§  President Emeritus – Megan:

o   Additional Positions

§  Secretary – Hannah:

§  Crowdfunding Campaign Coordinator – Saul:

o   Help recruit corporate sponsors for food provided at Kickoff (dinner and maybe lunch), Olympics Night,

§  Student Government Liaison – Delanie:

§  First-Year Student Outreach Coordinator – Emma:
Reach out to possible new members.

§  Homecoming Captain – Reia and Logan will recruit participants: Homecoming is September 23rd, 2023.

§  Marketing Student Director – Emily and Gwenny

o   Publish Instagram and Facebook posts highlighting members of the leadership team (over the summer leading up to kickoff; 19-day Kickoff Countdown?)

o   Publish Survival Book

§  Crowdfunding Assistant Director – Alexus

§  Honorable Olympics Coordinator – Allyson and Mickael

o   January/February

o   Awards ceremony

o   Medals?

o   Opening ceremony with House colors/banner

o   Pre-Olympics tournaments

§  Community Service Coordinator – Felicity:

§  Orenda House Leader – Connor

§  Dao House Leader – Lindsay

§  Arete House Leader – Andrew:

§  Eureka House Leader – Hunter (to be confirmed)

§  EQ5 Coordinator: Eli Grasso (one event each semester)

·         Summer Social (At UC on July 29th at 2 pm)

o   Welcome/nametag table (name, class, classification, EQ instructor) – Logan

o   Distribute t-shirts – Saul

o   Bingo (create, distribute, mingle) – Mickeal

o   Ice cream and wooden spoons (purchase, store, serve, clean up) – Gwenny

o   Spoons (provide instructions, playing cards, plastic spoons) – Emily

o   Introductions and Instructions – Reia

o   Get-to-know-you question – Dr. Benton

o   Put up signs – Eli

o   All team members – participate and mingle with incoming first-years

·         Recruitment Report

o   last year: 32 paid up, this year 25; last year: +intend to pay=34, this year 26; last year: +interviewed/interested, upcoming interviews=42, this year 29; last year: final #: 38, this year: ?)

o   Recruitment numbers reflect value of single-occupancy housing option

·         Honors Kickoff Week (August 9-10)

o   Reia will get information about move-in times from housing on 6/20

o   Last year – move-in was 8:30 am to 9:30 am for leadership team on Wednesday, August 9th

o   Last year – 3 pm to 5 pm move in for other honorables

o   Wednesday night:

§  Andrew, Connor, Reia, and Lindsay will lead a campus tour – meet at Pesagi lobby at 7:30 pm

§  Volleyball court at 8 pm – Lindsay will contact BSU to see about using their volleyball courts

§  Ally will get water and ice for volleyball

§  Emma will ask about a cooler

§  Andrew will bring a speaker

o   Thursday Schedule: (see agenda for details)

§  12:00 – lunch at cafeteria if they will pay for it, sponsor if not (candidates: Momentum Campus Ministry, Vision bank, Citizens Bank, BSU, Ada Jobs foundation)

§  6:00 – Dinner at Foundation Hall

o   Sponsor possibilities:
Vision Bank or Momentum Campus Ministry (Dr. Benton)
Citizens Bank
BSU (Gwenny)
Ada Jobs foundation (Saul)

§  6:20 to 6:25 – Welcome from University President, Honors Director, HSA Faculty Sponsors, Honors faculty

o   Chicken name game – Lauren and Reia will manage

o   White paper Q&A – Reia, Lauren, Andrew, and Lindsay will make up panel of answerers. Emma will get paper to cover 3 tables

o   Never have I ever – Reia and Lauren will explain

o   Speed friending – Mickeal will get questions and keep time. Emma will send Mickael past questions

o   Optional tours – Andrew, Connor, Lindsay, and Reia

·         Convocation (August 17th)

o   Some meet outside UC in the shade to recruit participants

o   Student presenters – Lauren, Cas, Delanie

o   Keynote (Dr. Michael Scott) if one of the student presenters can’t make it

o   Formally Introduce Book of Honors (Dr. Wells)
Bring Book to Stage (mask-wearing Honorables to be determined))

o   Send targeted invites to Gen. Ed profs and profs representing home departments of incoming first-year Honorables)

·         Burkean Parlor (August 21st at 7 pm in Chalmers Herman--venue TBC)

·         Sorting Hat Ceremony (August 28th at 7 pm in Chalmers Theater)

o   Ballroom as backup location

o   Games: Bring Me Something and Trivia
Other possibilities: Charades, Music, Simple Relay

o   House colors

§  Dao – red

§  Arete – purple

§  Eureka – green

§  Orenda – blue

·         Other Honors Events

o   Book Club Coordinator: Hannah Camp (1 book per quarter; schedule in advance; solicit book recommendations from active members and Honors Faculty and Board members-who can be featured guests)

o   Casino Night (gambling house points)

o   Mid-year Gathering at Dr. Wells’s house

·         Seven Incentivized Fall Events

o   Convocation (Thursday, August 17 in the Ataloa

o   Burkean Parlor (Monday, August 21 in the Black Box—if available)

o   Oklahoma Shakespeare Friday (Romeo and Juliet, September 15—if bus available; Nov 17 if bus not available in September)

o   Showcase (Thursday, November 30)

o   Others to be decided based on fall offerings

·         Treasurer’s Report

o   Current Credit Union Balance: $5,539.65
Current Foundation Balance: $23,044.76

o   Regalia – Student Association will pay full price (starting fall 2023)

o   Credit Union funds transfer to Bursar account? (decision pending)

·         Crowdfunding

o   Timing – October/November; start week or two after homecoming?

·         Possible Trips/Upcoming expenses

o   Shakespeare Romeo and Juliet in September – depends on bus availability – HSA will subsidize

o   Shakespeare Born with Teeth in November – 55 seats maximum – HSA will not subsidize second Shakespeare trip

o   Senior trip to Mexico City with Dr. King – 13 students, January break – flight – possible off campus engagement experience

o   Junior trip – late spring, will depend on Crowdfunding – road


Addenda (from 2023 Summer HSA Leadership Meeting Agenda)

Honors Leadership Positions and Responsibilities

·         All

o   attend as many events as possible;

o   recruit other upper-division Honorables to attend events: bring your plus one

o   help all feel welcome—especially incoming first-years;

o   propose new ideas;

o   raise spirits;

o   model Honors values.

·         President: Communicate with all members of the leadership team (Snapchat); manage communication with all Honorables, write weekly All-Honors email that announces upcoming point-scoring events, conveys other timely information and gives shout outs for Honorable achievements; send out Reminds 24-48 hours before upcoming events; make sure responsibilities are designated and followed-through on; anticipate problems; coordinate Summer Social and Kickoff.; work with Vice-President and President Emeritus on The Haunting of Wintersmith Park, Honors Thanksgiving, and Hot Chocolate Night.

·         Vice President. First volunteer; assume Presidential responsibilities when President is unavailable; coordinate Convocation; set dates, reserve venues, determine menus, sell tickets, make guest lists and program for Honors Banquet and Laude Dinner; work with President and President Emeritus on The Haunting of Wintersmith Park, Honors Thanksgiving, and Hot Chocolate Night.

·         Treasurer: Pay all bills promptly; bring updated budget report to each meeting; make yearly financial report, process reimbursements, and collect payments; recruit successor (“Deputy Treasurer) and provide training

·         President Emeritus: Advise and assist President and other members of the leadership team; expand and maintain contacts with Honors Alumni; send out weekly Honors Alum emails; work with Vice-President and President on The Haunting of Wintersmith Park, Honors Thanksgiving, and Hot Chocolate Night.

·         Secretary: Take note of responsibilities and pending questions; make sure all tasks have someone in charge; email minutes to all within 24 hours of each meeting; remind all 24 hours before upcoming meetings (including Dr. Wells and Dr. Benton).

·         Crowdfunding Campaign Coordinator: Saul. Work with Marketing department, Dr. Benton, and Crowdfunding assistant director.

·         Student Government Liaison: Delanie. Keep the Leadership Team informed about campus events and protocols.

·         First-Year Student Outreach Coordinator: Reach out to incoming first-year Honors candidates; send Remind to incoming first-years, answer questions, encourage attendance at Summer Social and other events during the semester; coordinate Tastes of Ada events.

·         Homecoming Captain. Manage Honors participation in all Homecoming events (including parade, Trivia contests, King and Queen nominees, etc.)

·         Marketing Student Director: Publish Instagram and Facebook posts highlighting members of the leadership team (over the summer), and during the year weekly posts highlighting Honors students.

·         Crowdfunding Assistant Director. Work with Crowdfunding Campaign Director.

·         Honorable Olympics Coordinator (Ping Pong, Pool, Tennis, Pickle Ball, Scavenger Hunt, Board Games, Video Games; plus pizza; January/February?)

·         Community Service Coordinator: organize and promote one large community-service/social event each semester.

·         Orenda House Leader: Promote events, and manage sign-ins

·         Dao House Leader:  Promote events, and manage sign-ins

·         Arete House Leader: Promote events, and manage sign-ins

·         Eureka House Leader: Promote events, and manage sign-ins

·         EQ5: Plan and promote one EQ5 event for the fall and another for the spring.

Honors Kickoff Schedule (August 9-10)

August 9
Leadership Team Move In (to be confirmed)
3:00-5:00 Honorable Move In (to be confirmed)
7:30 Tours
8:00 Volleyball (+music, cold water with ice; other snacks?)

August 10
12:00 Lunch (place TBD)

Hand out t-shirts

12:30 Group photo in front of UC)
12:45 Reconvene in Ballroom

Distribute and Talk About “Honors Survival Books”

HSA Leaders Introduce Selves and Explain

·         Engagement points

·         Incentivized Events

·         Other Honors-Sponsored Events

·         Community Service

Survival Book Autographs and Interviews (a mixer)


6:00 Dinner (Foundation Hall: TBC

6:25 Welcomes from

·         University President

·         Honors Director

·         HSA Faculty Sponsor

·         Honors Faculty


Chicken Game

HSA Leadership Team introductions

Other Upper-Division Honorables: Clubs, Jobs, Activities

White Paper Q&A

Never Have I Ever

Speed Friending

Tours (Optional)

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