Wednesday, September 17, 2014

2014: Burkean Parlor

Thank you, Dr. Taryn Chubb for the Art Department luncheon leftovers!

Friday, September 12, 2014

2014 OKC Shakespeare: Macbeth

In the Myriad Botanical Gardens.

Porter: "But this place is too cold for hell" (II.iii.13-14).
For the record, it was 56 degrees at 8 p.m.

2014 Honors from the OKC MOA to La Luna

Brian gives a great guided tour.
Peter Fischli and David Weiss ("Der Lauf der Dinge," 1987; DVD, 30 minutes) win the OKC MOA.

Linzi Thompson wins La Luna (that's her broken belt).

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Sorting Success!

Some lovely new faces!
Waiting on pizza...
Bow to Dao.

Grub time
The Honors Picnic at Wintersmith Park was an interesting evening! We sorted the incoming honors students into our four houses: Arete, Dao, Eureka, and Orenda. It was quite the event as a couple of the officers, Dr. Benton, and Dr. Pierson  definitely put on a spectacle for the main event (and I think we all thought Dr. Benton had a little too much fun with his dollar store horn...). What do you think the funniest/weirdest part of the evening was? Post below! #becausehonors

An Honors Sorting Hat Ceremonial